This fat-burning training program includes six unique supersets. This training program utilizes a combination of dynamic, non-stop movements to stimulate new muscle growth and target stubborn fat stores.
In addition to the warm-up action of burpee, the entire training plan is specifically composed of high-intensity supersets. And do a total of 16 groups, no more, no less.
For all exercises, you'll want to choose a weight that's challenging, but that also allows you to complete the entire workout with the required number of reps. If you need 1 small test to determine the weight to use, that's okay. During each superset, you should reduce the weight as you move on to the next set of exercises.
Also don’t forget that there is no rest between the two movements of each superset, but a 1 minute rest between each superset.
1. Warm-up—Burpees

Target number: 10 reps per group, complete 3 groups
Target muscle groups: legs, chest
Yes, burpees are your warm-up. If you think this is easy, you're already off track. There is no turning back now.
Begin in a standing position, squat down, and then kick your legs out into the starting position of a push-up; perform another push-up, jump forward into a half-squat position, and then use explosive force to jump into the air.
After returning to the ground, continue to squat, kick your legs out, and repeat the action process described above 10 times. Note that each burpee should be a smooth movement.
2.Super group—Barbell Squat + Wide Standing Barbell Squat

Target number: 12 reps per group (barbell squats), 12 reps (wide standing barbell squats), 3 groups in total
Target muscle groups: legs, buttocks, core
Complete 12 barbell squats followed by 12 wide standing barbell squats.
For a wide stance barbell squat, you'll want to reduce the weight by about 25%, stand with your legs wider (about one step laterally), and point your toes outward (pointing toward 10 and 2 o'clock) . The entire motion is the same as a regular squat, but you should feel a deeper stretch in your glutes and biceps as you squat.
For both exercises, make sure your thighs are low enough so you keep them parallel to the floor. Remember, squat low!
3. Super set—dumbbell snatch + dumbbell press

Target number: 10 snatches (each hand) and 12 presses in each group, completing 3 groups in total
Target muscle groups: shoulders, triceps, core
Complete 10 dumbbell snatches followed by 12 dumbbell presses.
For the dumbbell snatch, start holding the dumbbell between your legs in a half-squat position with a wide stance, then raise your head and chest, tighten your abdomen, straighten your back, contract your hips forcefully, and use your shoulders to pull the dumbbell Lift up and lift overhead. When descending, consciously control the descending speed of the dumbbell, lift your butt, and immediately complete the next snatch. After completing 10 reps with your right hand, repeat 10 more times with your right hand.
As for the dumbbell press, hold a pair of dumbbells in your hands, bend your knees slightly, use explosive force to push the dumbbells upward to your head. Keep your core tight throughout and don't bend over your back.
4.Super group-flatFlat dumbbell bench press + flat dumbbell fly

Target quantity: 12 dumbbell bench presses per group, 12 dumbbell flyes, a total of 3 groups completed
Target muscle groups: chest, triceps
Complete 12 flat dumbbell bench presses followed by 12 flat dumbbell flyes. Use a lighter weight for the flyes in each superset.
For both exercises, lower your arms until they are slightly below chest height for maximum range of motion.
5. Super set—T-shaped rowing + modified dumbbell rowing

Target number: 12 T-shaped rows per group, 10 modified dumbbell rows (each hand), a total of 3 groups completed
Target muscle groups: back, biceps, core
Complete 12 T-rows followed by 10 variations of dumbbell rows (each hand).
For the T-row, place the bar with the plates attached between your feet. Lean down 45 degrees, engage your core, and maintain a strong posture—keep your lower back straight, don't let it arch. Contract your lats and pull the barbell up to your chest. Contract and pause for 1 second, then slowly release the barbell and return to the ground.
For the dumbbell row variation, you assume that you are pushing both dumbbells up, and while keeping your core tight and your back flat at a 45-degree angle, forcefully row your right arm until it is slightly higher than your torso. Without turning your body, contract at the top for 1 second, then return, and repeat the same action with your left arm.
6. Three consecutive blows to the lower abdomen

Target number: 15 glute bridges per group, 10 reverse crunches, 30 seconds of V-shaped stillness, a total of 2 groups completed
Target muscle group: lower abdomen
The Lower Belly Triple is a strategic superset designed to bomb your lower abs. It involves three exercises - glute bridges, reverse crunches and V-poses. If you're unfamiliar with these 3 exercises, check out the movement guide below.
1). Find a spacious space or a flat bench. This is the prerequisite for you to start practicing.
2). Complete 15 glute bridges. Once this becomes too easy, you can perform the exercise with a dumbbell on your legs.
3). No rest. Do 10 reverse crunches immediately. Again, once this becomes too easy, you can also perform the exercise with a dumbbell on your legs.
4). Without resting, immediately complete 30 seconds of V-shaped stillness.
5). Rest for one minute.
6). Repeat steps 1-5 twice.
7. Super set - seated dumbbell press + dumbbell lateral raise

Target number: 12 presses per group, 12 lateral raises, 2 groups completed in total
Target muscle group: Shoulders
1). Complete 12 seated dumbbell presses. Keeping your core tight, draw your shoulders back and lower your arms until they are slightly below horizontal.
2). Immediately grab a pair of lighter dumbbells and complete 12 dumbbell lateral raises. Keep your arms straight and raised to the side, your hands should form a big "T" with your body.