How much protein do lean people need daily to build muscle?

Eating is also the basis of our exercise training. Especially after you have done a lot of exercise training, it is best to eat more high-protein foods to replenish energy. We all know that it is best to eat more protein during exercise and fitness, but not too much. So how much protein do you think a thin person needs every day to build muscle? Let’s go take a look below!

The importance of protein in building muscle

Muscle fibers are mainly composed of protein. If you want your muscles to grow, you must have sufficient protein intake. The repair and growth of muscles after exercise rely on the simple concept of protein muscle growth: through weight training, muscle tissue is damaged, and then protein is used to repair these muscles. During the process of damage and repair, the muscles will Grow up slowly.

When we perform muscle-building training, the fiber cells of the muscles are torn. At this time, protein can play a role in repairing the muscle fibers. When the torn muscle fibers are repaired, the muscles will become stronger to cope with new training! Therefore, if you want to build muscle, you must consume enough protein.

How much protein does a lean person need every day to build muscle?

Protein is one of the three major energy substances (carbohydrates, proteins, fats): each gram of protein produces 4 calories!

The total amount of calories metabolized by the human body:

The energy consumed by the human body comes from basal metabolism (the lowest energy for life-sustaining activities) (70%) + thermic effect of food (10%) + activity consumption (not limited) (20% or more, depending on your daily behavior, high-intensity athletes may consume More)

Basic metabolic calculation formula:

Female: 655 + (9.6 x weight) + (1.7 x height) - (4.7X age)

Male: 66 + (13.7 x weight) + (5.0 x height) - (6.8x age)

For example:

A man weighs 80 kilograms, is 180 centimeters tall, and is 24 years old. His daily basal metabolic rate (BMR) is: 66+ (13.7x80) + (5.Ox180)-(6.8x24) =66 +1096 +900-163.2 = 1898.8 cards. (minimum energy to sustain life activities)

Then its total calorie consumption is approximately equal to 1899/%70=2712 calories! If we want to build muscle, our daily energy intake needs to exceed our daily energy expenditure! It is generally recommended to exceed about 500 calories (too much can easily cause fat accumulation)