Where is the biceps located on the body?

The biceps brachii is on the upper side of the arm. It is fusiform in shape and has two long and short heads. The head is located at the ridge of the scapula and the short head is located at the coracoid process of the scapula. . It is one of the main muscle tissues on the upper side of the arm. It has the functions of flexing the shoulder, bending the elbow, fixing, and rotating the forearm, and provides power for various movements such as stretching and rotation of the arm.


The biceps is on the upper side of the arm

The biceps is on the arm The upper side is one of the upper arm muscle tissues. It is spindle-shaped as a whole and has two long and short ends, so it is called the biceps brachii. The long head is located at the ridge of the scapula, the short head is located at the coracoid process of the scapula, and the muscle belly is where the long and short heads meet in the middle.

The biceps brachii has the functions of flexing the shoulder, bending the elbow, fixing, and rotating the forearm. When the biceps brachii contracts or relaxes, it can bend or extend the elbow joint or droop the forearm, which can provide The arm provides power for various movements such as stretching and rotation.

The most common way to train the biceps is to do pull-ups with an underhand grip. With your palms facing your body, grab the horizontal bar with both hands. The distance between your hands is slightly narrower than your shoulders. Use the strength of your arms to continuously pull your body up. During this process, keep your arms straight and your feet should always be together.