Fitness video: A complete list of rotator cuff muscle training exercises

In many previous articles we have talked about the importance of rotator cuff muscle stability and strength. of!

We often see people trying to build bigger, sexier muscle groups while neglecting the smaller stabilizing muscle groups. This is undoubtedly bad!

The shoulder joint is the most mobile joint in the human body, and the stability and movement of the shoulder are mainly responsible for the rotator cuff

The rotator cuff is composed of four small muscles:

Supraspinatus, infraspinatus, subscapularis and teres minor

The four muscles wrap our shoulder joint like a sleeve and connect the scapula Working together with the muscles of the humerus, the shoulder joint can perform complex three-dimensional movements; it allows the arm to lift, abduct, extend and rotate.

Although the rotator cuff muscles are actually small muscle groups, they are not the main source of strength. They surround the shoulder and humeral joint to stabilize it. But it plays an important role in stabilizing the humerus of the upper arm and shoulder during a wide range of shoulder joint movements.

If our muscles are insufficient or unbalanced, the shoulders will not be in a very stable state during training, which will not only affect the quality of our training, but also increase the risk of injury!

So it is very important to strengthen the rotator cuff muscles that stabilize the shoulder joint. It can make your shoulders stronger and help reduce the occurrence of injuries.

The following is a great fitness video. The video brings you some common rotator cuff muscle strengthening exercises. You can put it Use it as a warm-up before exercise, or you can use it to train alone in your spare time!