Arm curls- suitable for strengthening various functions of the biceps brachii Armcurls:Suitableforstrengtheningvariousfunctions
Basic forearm exercise - behind-the-back wrist curls BasicforearmexercisebehindthebackwristcurlsNotes:F
Comprehensive answers to frequently asked questions about chest muscles Comprehensiveanswerstofrequentlyaskedquestionsabo
Do squats, don’t worry about whether your legs will look thicker or not. Doublesquats,don’tworryaboutwhetheryourlegsarethi
Do small lateral jumps while holding the ball to train your waist muscles Holdtheballanddosmallsidewaysjumpstotrainyourwaist
[Abdominal Muscle Exercise] Play on the ball in a prone position AbdominalMuscleExerciseLaunchtheballinapronepositi