How to use Supersets, Trisets and Giant Sets techniques to speed up your training and muscle growth. If you spend 90 minutes a day in the gym building muscle size and strength, is it correct to say that if you only train for 45 minutes, you will only get half the benefit from training?
After all, we spent plenty of time training with pretty heavy weights, taking plenty of rest between sets, doing several sets of each move, and bombarding the muscles from all angles, and Each workout includes an additional second body part. You think that changing just a little bit of anything in your training program can slightly change the results of your training. You're wrong! By doing supersets - performing exercises back-to-back (with no rest between sets) - you can build muscle in as little time as eating lunch.
Competitive bodybuilders combine several moves together and train them continuously without rest in order to increase muscle definition and burn more calories. This high-intensity training technique is not meant to be performed indefinitely, but it can be used to restructure your training or shorten your training time on a day when you just want to speed up your training.
Related combination actions
The difference between supersets, triple sets, and giant sets is the number of consecutive reps you perform before resting.
A superset consists of two exercises performed back-to-back with no rest in between. Rest only after completing these two actions. A superset can include a pair of opposing muscle exercises (such as biceps and triceps) or the same muscle group (sometimes called a compound set). You can think of a superset as a long set of two different movements; its only requirement is that you keep the rest time between movements to a minimum, which is how long it takes for you to switch from one movement to the next. Time is as short as possible.
Muscle groups work around the same joints, they are: triceps and biceps, quadricepsWith the biceps femoris, chest and back muscles, abdominal and lower back muscles, and forearm flexors and wrist extensors.
A triple set consists of three movements performed back-to-back with no rest in between. You can perform triple sets on any muscle group in the body, although they work best on smaller areas of the body. For example, combining exercises for the front, middle, and back heads of the deltoid effectively hits the deltoid from all major angles.
Giant sets consist of four or more movements performed back-to-back with no rest in between. You can think of it as a circuit workout, where you train the same muscle group in a complete circuit set, quickly switch from one exercise to another, and keep your heart rate at a fairly high level. Giant sets are often used for large muscle group and compound exercises of the body, such as back, chest, and legs.

Benefits of supergroups
Do more work in less time. Performing exercises back to back can greatly shorten your training time without reducing the number of sets you need to perform, and does so by shortening your rest periods.
Super training intensity. "Using multiple moves to train the same muscle groups without any rest between sets increases the intensity of your training and puts a higher demand on the muscle cells you're training," says Dr. Tim Schetter , an associate professor at the University of Charleston (South Carolina), USA. "This also increases the growth hormone response during and after your training, which will help you increase muscle size and reduce body fat."
Burn more body fat. This continuous training keeps your heart rate at a high level, thereby increasing your metabolism and burning more calories, and helping you lose fat. "Giant sets are often used in preparation for competition due to their high volume and intensity, helping to increase muscle separation by burning more calories in a given training period. degree and more muscle detail," Schetter added.
Superset Training Guide
A superset consists of two movements that target opposing muscle groups or a single body part.Perform back-to-back workouts with no rest in between. When training antagonist muscles like biceps and triceps, you will be slightly stronger on the second exercise than you would normally be on the second exercise, but when you do two exercises that target the same muscle group When you perform one movement, you will feel more fatigued and weaker on the second movement than you normally would on the second movement. Only after completing these two movements can you rest and complete the number of sets recommended by the plan.
For both arm superset exercises, they use a curved bar with the same weight. Because it trains a pair of opposing muscle groups, you can train with the same weight.
In the gym, you can achieve the desired training effect through a combination of two machine training movements at a given time without disturbing other members. This machine superset workout for the legs starts with a multi-joint movement and ends with a single-joint movement, allowing you to push these quadriceps muscle fibers to their training limits without having to worry about balancing the weight.