As the Holidays inch closer, anxiety surrounding holiday weight gain may as well. After all, calorie-laden foods fill the kitchen, a few extra cocktails may be consumed, and gym schedules get shortened, and before you know it, you’ve skipped the gym and possibly had pie for breakfast. (Sound familiar?)
However, while “food anxiety” can happen around this time of year, a surefire way to combat it (and weight gain) is by having a plan in hand.
If your goal is to stay the course this Holiday season while reducing chances of increasing your body fat percentage, all you need to do is follow these simple tips that will have you coming out of the holidays with confidence.
<p class='slide-count'>1 of 5</p><img width="1109" height="614" src="/uploadfile/2024/1211/20241211082133891.jpg"><p class="photo-credit">Cavan Images</p>
Keep Your Routine
There’s no reason to stop working out. Going to a party? Go for a run or get in a good workout at the gym before you head out. Or plan a semi-private training session the morning after a big bash.
You’ll be less likely to overindulge if you know you’re going to get an ass kicking the next morning.

Lisovskaya Natalia / Shutterstock
Fill up on Veggie and Lean Protein
Take your time and look at your options. Be smart about your choices. If that finger food looks loaded with cheese, keep walking. Some things just aren’t worth it.
If you’re going to indulge a little, make sure it’s with your favorite food. Make those calories count. Have a small amount and move on.

Brent Hofacker / Shutterstock
Portion Control
If you have a choice of plates, grab the smaller one and fill it with healthy choices. It will feel like you’re eating more, when in fact you’re eating less. Less is more in this case.

bbernard / Shutterstock
Be the Life of the Party
This doesn’t mean doing keg stands with the host. Alcohol is a diet-killer, so choose your beverage wisely.
My favorite is a nice glass of champagne at 80 calories a glass. You can still have fun without getting wasted. It’s been proven. If your mouth is busy socializing it’s less likely to be in the corner overeating.
If there’s a dance floor, get out there and burn some extra calories.

Ivanko80 / Shutterstock
Stay Hydrated
If you find yourself getting hungry but would really prefer to cap your calorie count where it’s at, just chug water. Water fills you up and fires up your metabolism. This one’s a no-brainer.