Drinking more water is a common strategy used to promote weight loss.
However, while many people believe the weight loss may be due to increased urination, others claim this is little more than a myth.
This article takes an in-depth look at the evidence to determine whether you lose weight when you urinate.

How does the urinary system work?
The urinary tract is responsible for removing excess fluid and waste from the body.
It comprises several organs, including the kidneys, bladder, urethra, and ureters.
The kidneys are responsible for filtering blood to produce urine, which is transported to the bladder by thin tubes of muscle known as ureters.
The bladder is a hollow organ that slowly expands as it fills with urine. It’s estimated that the bladder can hold up to 2 cups (475 mL) of urine.
As your bladder starts to fill up, it sends a signal to your brain indicating that it’s time to urinate.
Finally, urine is excreted from the body through the urethra by relaxing the internal and external sphincters, which are muscles that control the flow of urine (1).
On average, most people excrete around 27–68 ounces (800–2,000 mL) of urine per day (2).
summaryThe urinary tract is responsible for removing fluid and waste from the body, which is filtered by the kidneys, transported to the bladder, and excreted through the urethra.
Urination and your weight
Urination plays a key role in fat metabolism.
This is because when you consume fewer calories than your body needs, fat stores throughout the body are broken down and used for energy.
The byproducts of this process are then excreted from the body through urine, sweat, feces, and the lungs (3).
Urination may also cause other minor changes in body weight.
For example, when you drink a large amount of water, you may notice that the number on the scale increases slightly. Contrarily, when you urinate, it decreases slightly.
These fluctuations are normal, as studies show that increasing your daily intake of water is associated with higher urine output (4).
Therefore, the amount of weight you temporarily gain or lose throughout the day from fluid intake depends on how much liquid you drink.
However, keep in mind that any weight gained from drinking water is temporary, and your weight will decrease again once you urinate.
summaryDrinking water may lead to temporary fluctuations in body weight. Additionally, when your body uses fat as energy, the byproducts of this process are excreted through the body in several ways, including through urine.
Can peeing more frequently help you lose weight?
Studies suggest that drinking more water may be beneficial for weight loss (5, 6, 7).
That said, this isn’t necessarily due to increased urination.
Instead, studies show that drinking water before a meal can help enhance feelings of fullness and reduce your appetite and food intake (8, 9).
Drinking cold water may temporarily increase your metabolism slightly, potentially promoting weight loss (10, 11).
Still, making modifications to your dietary or exercise routine is essential for long-term weight loss.
Additionally, keep in mind that consuming certain drinks, including sugar-sweetened beverages like soda, sweet tea, and sports drinks, can increase your calorie intake and lead to weight gain (12).
summaryWhile peeing more frequently may not directly lead to weight loss, increasing your water intake could help support your weight loss progress.
The bottom line
When your body uses fat for fuel, the byproducts of fat metabolism are often excreted through urine.
While peeing more frequently is unlikely to lead to weight loss, increasing your intake of water may support your weight loss goals.
In fact, some research shows that drinking more water could temporarily boost your metabolism and reduce your appetite.
That said, increasing your water intake to increase urination will not lead to lasting weight loss on its own.