It is located in the lower part of the biceps brachii. If this part of the muscle is well developed, it can make the brachialis The biceps are more prominent.
The brachioradialis is a slender muscle that assists in flexion of the arm and forearm. Flip.
Perfect biceps>When exercising, you can consciously exercise your biceps while doing exercises for other muscles. For example, when you do pull-ups and rowing exercises to strengthen your back muscles, your arms are actually in motion. At this time, you can use an underhand grip and make the distance between your hands smaller than shoulder width to increase the intensity of the exercise so that the biceps can be fully exercised. To increase the intensity of your workout, add ZOTTMAN curls to your exercises. This classic exercise fully exercises the biceps and surrounding auxiliary muscle groups.

·Lie on a 45-degree inclined bench, holding a dumbbell in each hand. The weight of the dumbbell is lighter than when you usually do 12 arm curling exercises, about 5 -About 10 pounds. The hands should be held in a supinated grip (palms facing forward).
·Perform arm curls and move the dumbbells toward your shoulders.
·When the dumbbell reaches its highest position, rotate your wrist so that your palm faces down.
Slowly lower the dumbbell. When the dumbbell reaches the lowest point, flip your wrist back to the reverse grip. Repeat the exercise for 3-4 groups of 6-8 times.
Stretching exercises