Shoulder training: Different front raises

ShoulderTraining: Different front raises

Front raises Lifts are one of the most common exercises in shoulder training!

It is a single joint movement: shoulder flexion! (Picture): The muscle groups involved include the anterior deltoid, upper pectoralis major, biceps brachii and upper trapezius!

In training, we must make some changes in a timely manner, add some small tricks to our training content, and enhance the effectiveness of training. Fun, giving our muscles a different experience and stimulation!

Now I will introduce to you a good shoulder training movement-continuous tension lateral raise

Action demonstration

It is different from traditional front raise training! We do it in an alternating manner! at the same time,The starting position of the action is set at the top of the action (the position where the flexed shoulders are parallel to the ground). At this time, your shoulder muscles need to maintain tension, and try to HOLD to resist gravity

The action Benefits:Makes the target muscle groups continuously tense, increases the time the muscles are under tension (TUT), and gives your muscles better stimulation!

Training suggestions: 10 reps for each side, three groups in total! Be sensible when choosing weight. This is a single-joint movement. In order to ensure the quality of the movement, it is recommended that you use lighter dumbbells for training!

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